worked for Mr.Perez on a coffee bean farm, and her very best friend
was a pig named Pico.
day long Natalie took care of the coffee bean trees, she chatted to
Pico and he followed her up one row and down another, and up another
row and the next until she finished her work.
night Natalie tucked Pico into the hay she sang him a lullaby before
closing the barn door.
every morning when Natalie opened the barn door, Pico ran to her
feet and she ticked his chin.
one day, Mr Perez said to Natalie, "That pig is almost grown.
Feed him extra this week and we can take him to the market on
Saturday and make him into bacon."
Mr Perez left, Natalie sat nose to nose with Pico. "Listen
Pico," she said, "Mr Perez wants you really fat to make
lots of bacon, so we have to make you little Pico instead. You are
going on a diet!"
the first day of Pico's diet he ate nine enchiladas, a pot of stew ,
six ears of corn and a bowl of ice cream. Natalie shook her head at
his bulging cheeks.
next day Natalie locked Pico in the field with the grape vines,
telling him it was for his own good. She tickled his chin and left to
go do her work for the day.
Natalie came back a the end of the day, Pico was waiting for her at
the gate. Natalie's eyes grew round. "Pico!" She shouted,
You're PURPLE!"
had eaten every grape on every vine and juice dribbled down his chin
as he grinned happily at Nathalie. Natalie hurried him into the barn
before Mr Perez saw him.
third day of Pico's diet, Natalie tied a yellow ribbon around Pico's
neck and took him with her to the coffee bean trees so he couldn't
sneak away and find more stew or enchiladas to eat.
quietly followed Natalie from row to row, but when she turned to do
her work he gobbled all the coffee beans from each tree.
the end of the day, Pico had eaten so many coffee beans his feet
started to shake. His knees wobbled and his tail started spinning.
turned to see what was happening just as Pico popped up on his back
legs, his whole body wiggling and jiggling and shaking all over.
hopped and spun and tapped his way right back up the row of coffee
bean trees, then spun and flipped his way back down the next.

And what a sight he did see! Pico the purple pig was boogying across the field, shimminging one way, and shaking another, twirling like no pig had ever twirled before. Mr. Perez looked at Pico. He looked at Natalie. He looked back at Pico. And then...
...Mr Perez started to laugh. He laughed and chortled and snorted. He
laughed until tears streamed down his face and said to Natalie,
"That pig can't be made into bacon - he's going to famous!"
was so happy to hear that Pico was saved she started to wiggle and
shake and soon she was twirling along side him in the coffee bean
trees. Natalie and her purple pig became a famous dancing duo, and
Pico never had to diet again!
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